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Monday, August 08, 2011

Know Your Types of Bridge Structures

According to wikipedia, the bridge is a structure deliberately built to cross the chasm, or obstacles such as rivers, valleys, railroads and highways. The bridge was built so that pedestrians, drivers of vehicles or trains can traverse these obstacles. But apparently there are many types of bridges are certainly different both in terms of structure and strength to the construction costs. The following types of bridge structures that have been collected Share Various Things .

Alang Bridge (Bridge Beam)

Bridge grass is a very simple structure of the bridge where the bridge is only a horizontal beam supported by pillars on second base. The origin of the bridge structure alang beams originated from a simple wooden bridge that used to cross rivers. In modern times, beam bridges made of steel grass which is more sturdy. The length of a beam on the bridge grass usually does not exceed 250 feet (76 m). Because, the longer the beam bridge, it will be the weaker strength of this bridge. Therefore, this bridge structure is rarely used now except for short distances only. Alang longest bridge in the world today is a tall bridge that is located in southern Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana, USA. This bridge has a length of 23.83 miles (38.35 km) wide and 56 feet (17 m).

Bridge Buffer (Cantilever Bridge)

Unlike the tall bridge, the bridge structure supporting a horizontal beam supported by pillars only on one base. Construction of the bridge buffer requires more ingredients than the bridge grass. The bridge buffer is usually used to solve the problem of making a bridge if things do not allow it to withstand the load from underneath the bridge during the manufacturing process. The bridge of this type is rather hard and not easily swayed, and therefore the structure of the bridge buffer is usually used to load the bridge rail . Bridge buffer largest in the world today is the bridge buffer Quebec Bridge in Quebec, Canada. This bridge has a length of 549 meters (1801 feet).

Curved Bridge (Arch Bridge)

Arch bridge has a toehold on each end wall. Arch bridge which was built by the earliest known Greek society, for example, is Arkadiko Bridge. Load of the bridge will encourage the support wall on both sides. Dubai, United Arab Emirates is currently building the Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Crossing. This bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2012. If the development process has been completed, this bridge will become the world's longest arch bridge.

Hanging Bridge (Suspension Bridge)

Previously, the earliest suspension bridge is hung by a rope or a piece of bamboo. Modern suspension bridge is hung by steel cables. In the modern suspension bridge, a cable hanging from the bridge tower and then attached to the caisson (inverted box-shaped device used to tether cable in water) or cofferdam (the room in which the water drained to the basic construction of the bridge). Caisson or cofferdam will be implanted deep into the lake or river floor. Longest suspension bridge in the world today is the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan. This bridge has a length of 12,826 feet (3909 m).

Cable-holder bridge (Cable-Stayed Bridge)

Such as suspension bridges, cable-retaining bridges detained by using a cable. However, what distinguishes a bridge with cable-anchoring suspension bridge is a bridge that the cable-retaining amount of cable required fewer bridges and towers to hold shorter cable. Bridge the first cable-barrier which was designed in 1784 by CT Loescher. Bridge the longest cable-barrier in the world today is Sutong Bridge crossing over the Yangtze River in China.

Bridge Framework (Truss Bridge)

The bridge framework is one of the oldest types of modern bridge structures. The bridge framework is made by arranging bridge pillars forming the lattice so that each pole is only partially accommodate the weight of the bridge structure. The advantages of a bridge framework as compared to other types of bridges are more economical manufacturing costs due to more efficient use of materials. In addition, the bridge framework can withstand heavier loads for longer distances by using elements that are shorter than jambatan grass.

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